Furry, Equine, & Freebie Fashion in Second Life

Monday, February 11, 2013

Milkponies - Bull Ad

Milkponies - Bull Ad, originally uploaded by Eversky.

You can find these on Marketplace or at my in world vendor spot at Northstar Mall. Please note MP prices are 100L to 200L more than those listed in the ads.

Milkponies - Cart Ad

Milkponies - Cart Ad, originally uploaded by Eversky.

You can find these on Marketplace or at my in world vendor spot at Northstar Mall. Please note MP prices are 100L to 200L more than those listed in the ads.

Milkponies - Cow Ad

Milkponies - Cow Ad, originally uploaded by Eversky.

You can find these on Marketplace or at my in world vendor spot at Northstar Mall. Please note MP prices are 100L to 200L more than those listed in the ads.

Milkponies - Fatpack Ad

Milkponies - Fatpack Ad, originally uploaded by Eversky.

You can find these on Marketplace or at my in world vendor spot at Northstar Mall. Please note MP prices are 100L to 200L more than those listed in the ads.